Revenue Forecast Prediction Using Graphs and Deep Learning

Implemented bi-directional LSTM model for revenue prediction before release of movie. Generated Graph embedding to consider social connections of actors. Performed sentiment analysis on movie plots

Resource Allocation Optimiztion using RL

Optimized the allocation of resources on cloud computing system using a reinforcement learning algorithm. Reduced data loss during training of model to increase model efficiency using Python

Malware Prediction on various devices

Classified malware-based applications using Autoencoders. Increased the efficiency of Autoencoders algorithm by comparing it to different Deep Learning models

Social Media Content Analyst Tool

Designed a system to identify reliable tweets on microblogging websites like Twitter. Used Social Network Analysis to find groups of Informative Tweets and used State of Art models

Missionaries and Cannibal Problem

Compared various AI search technique algorithms to solve the Missionaries and Cannibal Problem. Analyzed time and space complexity for implemented algorithms using Object-Oriented concepts

Power Spy

Designed IoT project to record electricity consumption trends to identify faulty appliances. Developed a mobile application to view the results recorded from sensors

JASS - Android application

Designed and developed a native Android Application that helps users to search songs by searching any phrase from the lyric of the song. Developed the problem-solving application to include speech and text input from an offline music playlist s

Email Classification

Classified Emails into Span and not spam categories using ML models. Did a comparison study of Neural Network and Random Forest models

Built with Next.js, Tailwind and Vercel